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McDowell Bible College Course Listing
and Core Diploma Requirements which total 30 Semester Hours

Click on course to see semester hours, prerequisites, description, and suggested book(s).

All required course books must be purchased by student unless provided by scholarship.
Books listed may be updated or changed up until the time registration begins, so wait until then to purchase.
Core requirements per school category listed with each category, i.e. Humanities 9 hrs.
* Core required courses.

James Cash Penny School of Business 3 hrs
BUS1001-Management for Churches and Nonprofits
BUS2003-Bookkeeping and Accounting for Churches and Nonprofits
BUS2102-Administration for Churches and Nonprofits
BUS2901-Budget and Fiscal Planning for Churches and Nonprofits
BUS5001-Management for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course)
BUS5003-Accounting for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course)
BUS5102-Administration for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course)
BUS6901-Budget and Fiscal Planning for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course)
BUS7001-Issues in Management for Churches and Nonprofits (Doctoral Course)
COM1001-Computer Applications for Churches and Nonprofits*
COM1005-Visual Presentation Preparation for Churches and Nonprofits
COM1201-Programming and Logic for Churches and Nonprofits
COM2012-Database Programming and Design for Churches and Nonprofits
COM2101-Graphics and Design for Churches and Nonprofits
COM2205-Church Media and Computer Resources
COM2901-Worship Presentation
COM3205-Advanced Programming for Churches and Nonprofits
COM4101-Website Programming and Design I for Churches and Nonprofits
COM4102-Website Programming and Design II for Churches and Nonprofits
COM4601-Information Systems Management for Churches and Nonprofits
COM4801-Security for Churches and Nonprofits
COM5005-Visual Presentation Preparation for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course)
COM5012-Database Programming and Design for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course)
COM5101-Graphics and Design for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course)
COM5201-Programming and Logic for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course)
COM5205-Church Media and Computer Resources (Master's Course)
COM6101-Website Programming and Design I for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course)
COM6102-Website Programming and Design II for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course)
COM6205-Advanced Programming for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course)
COM6601-Information Systems Management for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course)
COM6801-Issues in Security for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course)
COM6990-Information Systems Management Project and Thesis (Master's Course)
LDR1001-Leadership for Churches and Nonprofits
LDR2001-Leadership Communication for Churches and Nonprofits
LDR3001-Leading Organizational Culture for Churches and Nonprofits
LDR4001-Leading Change Management for Churches and Nonprofits
LDR5001-Leadership for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course)
LDR5501-Leadership Communication for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course)
LDR6001-Leading Organizational Culture for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course)
LDR6501-Leading Change Management for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course)
LDR6990-Leadership and Administration Project and Thesis (Master's Course)
LDR7001-Issues in Church and Nonprofit Leadership (Doctoral Course)
MKT3001-Marketing and Outreach for Churches and Nonprofits
MKT6001-Marketing and Outreach for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course)

Richard Koster School of Humanities 9 hrs
ENG1001-Written Communications for Christian Scholars I*
ENG1002-Written Communications for Christian Scholars II*
ENG2001-Survey of English Literature from a Christian Perspective
ENG2002-Survey of American Literature from a Christian Perspective
ENG5001-Academic Writing and Research for Christian Scholars (Master's Course)
ENG7001-Advanced Writing and Research (Doctoral Course)
LAN3801-Introduction to Biblical Hebrew
LAN3901-Introduction to Biblical Greek
LAN6801-Introduction to Biblical Hebrew (Master's Course)
LAN6901-Introduction to Biblical Greek (Master's Course)
SPC1001-Speech for Christian Service*

Curtis Rush School of Religion and Seminary 6 hrs
BIB1001-Survey of the Old Testament*
BIB1002-Survey of the New Testament*
BIB1005-Biblical Interpretation
BIB1804-Joshua, Judges and Ruth
BIB1808-Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther
BIB2001-Teaching the Bible
BIB2803-Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy
BIB2805-1 and 2 Samuel
BIB2806-1 and 2 Kings
BIB2807-1 and 2 Chronicles
BIB2906-The Early Pauline Epistles: Galatians and 1 & 2 Thessalonians
BIB2908-Romans and Hebrews
BIB2909-The Pauline Prison Epistles: Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon, and Philippians
BIB3810-Psalms, Song of Songs and Other Biblical Poetry and Lyrics
BIB3811-Wisdom of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes
BIB3813-Jeremiah and Lamentations
BIB3907-1 and 2 Corinthians
BIB3910-The Pauline Pastoral Epistles: 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus
BIB3911-The Non-Pauline Epistles: James. 1 & 2 Peter, Jude and 1, 2, & 3 John
BIB4814-Ezekiel and Daniel
BIB4815-Minor Prophets
BIB5001-Introduction to the Old Testament (Master's Course)
BIB5002-Introduction to the New Testament (Master's Course)
BIB5005-Hermeneutics (Master's Course)
BIB5801-Genesis (Master's Course)
BIB5802-Exodus (Master's Course)
BIB5803-Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy (Master's Course)
BIB5804-Joshua, Judges and Ruth (Master's Course)
BIB5805-1 and 2 Samuel (Master's Course)
BIB5806-1 and 2 Kings (Master's Course)
BIB5807-1 and 2 Chronicles (Master's Course)
BIB5808-Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther (Master's Course)
BIB5815-Minor Prophets (Master's Course)
BIB5901-Mark (Master's Course)
BIB5902-Matthew (Master's Course)
BIB5903-Luke (Master's Course)
BIB5904-John (Master's Course)
BIB5906-The Early Pauline Epistles: Galatians and 1 & 2 Thessalonians (Master's Course)
BIB5908-Romans and Hebrews (Master's Course)
BIB5909-The Pauline Prison Epistles: Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon, and Philippians (Master's Course)
BIB6001-Issues in Teaching the Bible (Master's Course)
BIB6809-Job (Master's Course)
BIB6810-Psalms, Song of Songs and Other Biblical Poetry and Lyrics (Master's Course)
BIB6811-Wisdom of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes (Master's Course)
BIB6812-Isaiah (Master's Course)
BIB6813-Jeremiah and Lamentation (Master's Course)
BIB6814-Ezekiel and Daniel (Master's Course)
BIB6905-Acts (Master's Course)
BIB6907-1 and 2 Corinthians (Master's Course)
BIB6910-The Pauline Pastoral Epistles: 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus (Master's Course)
BIB6911-The Non-Pauline Epistles: James. 1 & 2 Peter, Jude and 1, 2, & 3 John (Master's Course)
BIB6912-Revelation (Master's Course)
BIB6990-Biblical Studies Project and Thesis (Master's Course)
BIB7005-Issues in Biblical Teaching and Exposition (Doctoral Course)
BIB8801-The Law (Doctoral Course)
BIB8802-The History (Doctoral Course)
BIB8803-Biblical Poetry and Wisdom (Doctoral Course)
BIB8804-Old and New Testament Prophecy (Doctoral Course)
BIB8901-The Gospels and Acts (Doctoral Course)
BIB8902-The Epistles (Doctoral Course)
EDU6901-MBC Intructor Training Workshop (Master's Course)
EVA3501-Evangelism and Outreach
EVA4002-Survey of Missions
EVA6002-Introduction to Missions (Master's Course)
EVA6501-Evangelism and Apologetics (Master's Course)
EVA8501-Contemporary Evangelism and Apologetics (Doctoral Course)
LDR2001-Leadership Communication for Churches and Nonprofits
LDR3001-Leading Organizational Culture for Churches and Nonprofits
LDR4001-Leading Change Management for Churches and Nonprofits
LDR5501-Leadership Communication for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course)
LDR6001-Leading Organizational Culture for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course)
LDR6501-Leading Change Management for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course)
MIN2501-Sermon Preparation
MIN2502-Sermon Delivery
MIN3601-Ministry Programs
MIN4201-Pastoral Ministry
MIN4204-Issues in Ministry
MIN4901-Ministry Project
MIN6201-Pastoral Ministry (Master's Course)
MIN6801-Sermon Preparation and Delivery (Master's Course)
MIN6990-Ministry Project and Thesis (Master's Course)
MIN8201-Contemporary Issues in Ministry (Doctoral Course)
MIN8801-Advanced Expository Preaching (Doctoral Course)
MIN8880-Advanced Research and Ministry Project Development (Doctoral Course)
MIN8990-Doctor of Ministry Project and Dissertation (Doctoral Course)
REL2001-Worship Leadership
REL2201-Introduction to Spiritual Formation
REL6201-Spiritual Formation (Master's Course)
REL7201-Spiritual Formation and Spiritual Warfare (Doctoral Course)
THE4001-Survey of Theology I
THE4002-Survey of Theology II
THE4003-Survey of Theology III
THE6001-Systematic Theology I (Master's Course)
THE6002-Systematic Theology II (Master's Course)
THE6003-Systematic Theology III (Master's Course)

Tie Jiang Tan School of Science and Mathematics 6 hrs
MAT1001-Mathematics for Churches and Nonprofits
MAT1201-Advanced Mathematics for Christian Scholars I
MAT1202-Advanced Mathematics for Christian Scholars II
SCI1001-A Survey of Physics for Christian Scholars
SCI1002-A Survey of Chemistry for Christian Scholars
SCI1003-A Survey of Biology for Christian scholars.
SCI1004-A Survey of Geology for Christian Scholars
SCI2001-Physics Lab
SCI2002-Chemistry Lab
SCI2003-Biology Lab
SCI2004-Geology Lab

Eusibius School of Social and Behavioral Sciences 6 hrs
ECO1001-Microeconomics for Christian Scholars
ECO1002-Macroeconomics for Christian Scholars
HIS1001-Survey of American History from a Christian Perspective
HIS1002-Survey of World History from a Christian Perspective
HIS2001-History of the Church I
HIS2002-History of the Church II
HIS3001-Ancient History of Israel
HIS6001-History of the Church to 1517 (Master's Course)
HIS6002-History of the Church from 1517 (Master's Course)
PHI1001-Introduction to Christian Philosophy
PHI3601-Christian Ethics
PHI6601-Christian Ethics (Master's Course)
PHI7601-Contemporary Problems in Church Ethics (Doctoral Course)
SOC3201-Christian Counseling
SOC5201-Christian Counseling (Master's Course)
SOC8201-Christian Counseling (Doctoral Course)

McDowell Bible College
An on-line international school that serves English speaking Christian students around the world.
sed Deus illuminat - God Enlightens